Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Things may be looking up

So, the guy I mentioned in the last post and I have met.  He then dropped totally out of sight.  He recently texted and told me life wasn't working out quite as he had planned and he didn't want to lose touch with me, so he finally wrote and then called after three weeks.  I think he's depressed and I am trying to be upbeat for him, but I have always been of the mind that you chase your dreams and he seems to be in the paralysis of analysis part of decision making.

In other news, I got a contract job with the Feds.  It is for two years and is a sizeable increase in pay from my previous job.  I am filling in all the paperwork and I may start as soon as Monday.  I hope I like it!

I am going to meet a man I met on-line next weekend.  He and I will meet in the middle between where he lives and where I live.  He seems very nice and thoughtful.  Hopefully we'll have fun together.  He originally asked if we could meet and asked me to think about how we could do it and then we I suggested the meeting in the middle, he was all in, then he asked if I only wanted to do the one day or a weekend then joked about me being able to leave it things didn't go so well, but I committed to the weekend.  Wish me luck!

I also started a new workout regime.  It is sort of like a Fitness boot camp, but it is with all women and everybody is really supportive of each other.  I usually don't like group exercise, or exercise classes but in this case, things change often enough during a class, that I really don't find myself looking at my watch.  We are currently in a "detox week" so we got together and made smoothies and soup ahead.  I think I may have finally found an exercise regime I can stick to, and hey, I'm meeting a man for a weekend away, so I want to be as toned as possible.

So, things may actually be looking up!  Keep your fingers crossed!