Saturday, October 15, 2016

The weekend!

Well, the weekend actually happened!  We met and had a really good time.  We picked a place that had lots to do, so we didn't end up just staring at each other wondering when it would be over.  We also pretty much talked for two days straight.

He was a total gentleman.  I was a bit worried because we had hotel rooms that were right next to each other that things might get awkward at the door, and they didn't.  Even when he knocked on the door in the morning, he stayed out in the hall.

No first kisses, other than on the cheek.  It was like a really long first date, but he made some right moves:  he bought me chocolate; he offered to take me to church; and he texted me on the way home.

We've texted, but haven't spoken since, so I guess we'll see where things lead.  If they don't lead anywhere, we still had a fun weekend.

In job news, I finally have an appointment to get my security clearance!  Yeah!  So, I expect to be working my November.  It has been along haul, but I can see the finish line.  Now, after all this falderall, I just hope I can do a good job!  Ugh!


  1. Hi Cygnet, sounds like a wonderful time and that the two of you hit if off, I'm so happy for you and hope things continue.

    Fantastic news about the security clearance and that you will be able to work again soon. Great news all round, smiling for you :)


    1. Well, at least I am working. He texted but pretty much dropped it, so I am moving on. I did text him once after three weeks and he promised a call which never came. I guess I am still supposed to be looking. Sigh.

  2. Hi Cygnet, glad you had a good time, hope you can meet up again
    love Jan, xx

  3. "he bought me chocolate" ....keeper


    1. At least the chocolate is still around...sigh.

  4. So happy you two had a fun time with a lovely gentleman, Cygnet. I hope it goes further...if that's what you want. Congrats on getting the appointment for the security clearance...hope everything comes through quickly.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. No dice on the!

      Security clearance came through and at least I am working now.
