Saturday, February 11, 2012


I have been thinking a lot about compliments.  Do you think they mean more when they don't come all the time?  I mean when you really earn a compliment, work really hard and accomplish something, do they mean more?  I didn't grow up in a time when everybody got a trophy or a ribbon.  I grew up when there were winners and losers, when only the winners got an award. 

I always did well in school, that was my thing...being the brain.  So, in some classes an A was pretty meaningless, I didn't have to work very hard to get it, but in other classes I had to really struggle and work hard to achieve a good grade, sometimes not even an A.  I don't remember a lot of compliments for good grades from my parents.  Should they have been doled out more freely or should it have been harder to earn a compliment?

So, I guess what I am wondering is: Are compliments more precious when they are a bit rare?


  1. I do think so, especially in a professional situation. Now...from my husband...I'll take them as often as he wants to give them because they are all sincere.

    1. Yeah, I guess you can never get enough compliments from your guy. The department head I have written about is fond of saying, "I'm so glad you're here" to me. I think it is genuine and heartfelt since I ease a lot of his burden. By the way, I am mixing it up with the student who beats himself in the head. I went really dominant on him tonight and told him that beating himself up was not productive he needs to just get to work and get his work done. I also threw in a few compliments during class that made him smile. I really want to smack him upside the head like Gibbs in NCIS does and say, "You are not allowed to degrade yourself!"

  2. IMO... I think it depends on who is giving the compliment! If my mom is giving it... yeah it's nice... but if dad is giving it you know you really did something!!

    I just stumbled onto your blog.. nice to meet you! ;o)

    1. Hiya, Mikki! Thanks for commenting. Yeah, I think the rarer compliments, like from a dad, so mean more...

  3. I think a compliment is precious anytime it's genuine, whether it's something that happens often or not. I probably appreciate compliments the most when I'm caught off guard by them, when they're unexpected.
