Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Will the real June Cleaver please stand up!

I got a note today in my e-mail from a guy who had previously told me that he would "own" his wife and train her to serve him.  My response was, does the wife "own" her man and get to train him to "serve" her too since we should be in service to one another and to our marriage? His response was in the multiple.  First he told me that a woman should communicate to her man on all levels (ok) and June Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver was the perfect wife. (??????)

I'm not sure that mold is really one that anyone can fit into anymore.  I'm not even sure June Cleaver fit into the mold that we think she did.  She stayed home and vacuumed in pearls and heels.  Does anyone do (or should they do) that anymore?  What else do we know about her?  I don't have an issue with the staying at home part, I would probably be okay with the staying at home part.  I think the wife's role should be to make the home a haven for her husband and to be a steady, peaceful rock for him.  But what exactly is that perfect wife thing?  She sought Ward's advice on things, but she argued with him.  She expected him to keep his promises and complained when he didn't.  If you think about it, June was sort of a non-entity on the show.  Her role was pretty small actually.  Do we really know who June Cleaver was?

We seem to have this idea that June Cleaver was the perfect submissive wife who only said "Yes dear".  She kept house and took care of the boys and let Ward handle the big stuff (I guess).  But did she really?  I can't remember, which tells me she was pretty much a non-entity.  Do I really want a man who wants a woman like that?

The capper on this scintillating (ooo, I probably should be careful using big words...would June Cleaver use the word scintillating?) conversation was a clip from a comedy show called "Women Know Your Place".  You should look it up on youtube.  He sent me the link.  I checked it out.  It was people at a dinner party and when the conversation turned serious a woman spoke up with an opinion, the men were not pleased.  She was taken home in tears.  Then there was  a replay of the same scene with her talking about kittens instead of giving her opinion.  It was quite enlightening.  If that is how June Cleaver would have behaved, I am no June Cleaver. I also don't think there should be a division of labor down gender lines.  You should be able to do the things you like and the things you are good at first and then the less desirable jobs should be negotiated.  Of course if one of the other spouse stays home, the bulk of the housework would fall to them, but if both people work, then that is a different story.

I guess I am just of the opinion that leaders are always better leaders when they have trusted advisers.  Those advisers are listened to and their opinion is respected.  If this guy wants a woman who has no opinions then he needs to look elsewhere.  By the way, I am not entirely convinced he would be happy even if he were married to June Cleaver.

So, now the question he serious or is this all a tease?  I think I am going to need to find that out.  June Cleaver might take it all a face I have said, though, I am no June Cleaver.


  1. Oh gosh, the patience one needs to have when meeting men online. There are some real "special" men out there. LOL, to be fair, I'm sure the good guys would say the same about some of the women. Still, sorry that it used up any of your intelligent brain space.

    Yes, leaders can only lead well when they have actual followers...not doormats or those with no opinion. How boring would life be?

  2. I wrote and asked him if he was teasing me. I guess not since there was no response. Go figure! I sure hope he finds what he is looking for in a woman, because this ugly duckling ain't that gal!

  3. i sure wish that we could have women like June Cleaver around again, especially for us good men that are looking to settle down with a good woman.
