Sunday, January 15, 2012

Being a shrew

So, I have never watched an entire episode of The Kardashians, but I have watched enough to know I don't want to be like them!  I hate to see the way that Kris Jenner treats her husband, Bruce.  There was one episode at the end of which,  Bruce had actually placed a mattress in the garage and was sleeping on it.  I am not sure of all the details that led up to that, but it had something to do with him wanting to put his motorcycle in the garage and Kris not wanting it to block her cabinets.  So, I lost respect for him, since he put up with that and I lost respect for her because she was unreasonable and disrespectful.  It is an odd thing how much more I am aware of how women speak to men.  I wonder why after all this time, when I am finally looking for someone to spend my life with, I am suddenly aware of the shrewishness (I like to create words, so just go with it) of my own sex.  Is it just more prevalent or have I just not noticed it?  Then I find myself wondering if I have been guilty of it myself. I hope that the man I find won't let me get away with it if I am guilty of it. I would hate to have someone look at me and think the things that I think about Kris Jenner. 

Today in church, the minister mentioned that there is a word for being a servant to self and only listening to self and it is Kardashian (he said it in a joking manner, but I think he was serious).  I can't disagree.


  1. There's a mutual respect in relationship that I don't remember thinking much about...till I was in a serious relationship. Then, like you, I thought about this stuff a lot. If we learned how to serve one another before ourselves early in life, I have to think that we might be better set up for healthy relationships later. I wish I had been set up a little better...

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  2. Thanks for commenting, Susie. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I sometimes wish I had been taught things differently than I was too. I guess all that matters is that we get there eventually (Is that Pollyanna popping out again?).

    I just find it all sort of weird...I am thinking so much about the kind of woman I want to be and seeing so many examples of the kind of woman I don't want to be. My brother used to complain about the way women treated men in the sitcoms and I sort of disregarded his comments (he's an older brother and was always the one that let a lot of things bother him, so I needed to sort through the valuable things he said from the "give me a break" sorts of things) on this one, though, I think he is right. He thinks respect is very important and I think most men feel that way too. I think even love might even run a close second to feeling respected...something to think about while I wait for my knight.

  3. Cygnet, "shrewishness" is in the Oxford English Dictionary as having been in use since the 16th century. So give yourself a gold star for knowing your language and how to use it!

    "I hope that the man I find won't let me get away with it if I am guilty of it." As I'm sure you've become aware, there are otherwise good men out there who don't know how to react appropriately to it—or don't even see it! If you find one of those and you want him anyway, understand that you may have to teach him some things about men and women. And you may have to let him go if he's not ready to understand.

  4. Well, thanks, Kevan, my mother would be proud (giggle). The proper use of the language was very important to her.

    As far as finding a good man, I have mentioned before that I am a Pollyanna, so I hope to find a man who wants to make me happy and will want to learn what that means.
